Saturday, 23 March 2013

Number 102

In today's media proliferations, the idea of image property is questionable, since the image's tractability  is becoming more difficult.By installing a better way to protect the artist and the right of their images, it will interfere with the freedom in the way images circulate today, through media and social network that we praise. Artists will have to accept an evolution in the way that we use their images, and therefore depend on the freedom of the image circulation. If we don't want our images to be re-used, and pass through copyright, then don't post it on the internet!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Monday, 11 March 2013

Number 93

Sometimes, just a little detail makes the difference.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Number 92

Organic Cunts

Number 91

Today's consommation of images can be related to a certain bulimia : we are gulping down images, because the media proliferation allowed us to, leading to a lost of consciousness in the choices we make when we are dealing with an image. As a producer or consumer of images, we must contain a conscious effort in the selection, because this is where resides the representation of our identity. Through naivety and violence, beauty and vulgarity, mixing raw opposite poles in this work, I believe it will bring an understanding to the state of representation today : fast, multiple, unaesthetic, but a perfect media to exploit.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Number 90

Here a little animation video which requires to be watch till the end.