Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Number 25

This drawing is a part of a serie where there is more research in the definition of the lines. To be continued ...

Monday, 29 October 2012

Number 24

We are represented by our representation: a picture of us represents to someone  who doesn't know us, what we are. He already speculates and defines the picture he sees of ourselves. He makes his own idea  from what he's seen of this image which is a representation of ourselves. From us to him, we already have different layers which separates us from reality: us and our picture, the picture and him, him and his interpretation. Image and representation distant us from truth.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Number 22

This drawing has similarities, believe it or not, with the classical representation of Mary and the little Jesus. But there is a sneaky expression on the mother's face which leads to believe that immaculate conception might have been a subjective matter.

Number 21

I found that one a bit scary. I will freak out if something like that come out of my toilet.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Number 20

I have to say that I was a bit uninspired about this one.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Number 18

There always has been an image cult who exceeds the actual object of the representation, for example in religion. But today, there is a bigger gap between the representation and the the object of the representation, due to an accessibility and a bulimia of the image.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Number 17

Nostalgia about my live classes at school. It also reminds me of a drawing of Terry Gillian, where he had that perfect sketch of a classical image. Just seemed to have a problem with the hand.

Number 16

What a beautiful duet.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Number 14

I really like the shapes in this one. It was very agreeable to draw. maybe because of the naivety behind the scene.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Number 13

It can be efficient to use simple lines, no shades. I see a lifetime partnership in this drawing, a complete symbiosis. Something which is rare to find among human being, without involving money.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Number 11

Look at that arse! No, seriously. I was speaking about minimalism, simplicity in the form of the lines, something uncluttered to be able to deliver an idea without being pollute by aestheticism. But then, I unleashed and I gazed myself with the poison of aestheticism. Results of this poisoning will be seen from number 20. What is the idea, you may ask? You should refer yourself to Number 7 and 3.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Number 10

There was something very spermatic, visceral and slimy about that picture that I saw in a fashion magazine. It made me thing of some kind of subterranean group of supernatural hermaphrodite being, feeding on what they can reach, sometime their own reproduction. Until they are too old to be the strongest and get eaten by their own reproduction.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Number 8

I need to remember to take it easy with the glue. I am not a big fan of those Papier-Maché-style wrinkles.

Number 7

I have to say that, at first when I started this series, I wanted it to be raw, illustrative, but minimalist. Because I thought by keeping pure, it will send its messages  more efficiently Then, I realised that there is a lot to explore within the simplicity of the lines. The line will always be that  simple dark mark that you can shape into an invader of a white empty canvas. But your white canvas, is the one you have to worry about. That c****! Even if later in my work, I indulge myself with more complex orchestration of simple lines, the importance of the void and white space of the piece of paper can't be depreciate. It brings its different connotation, language and so then a different concept in the form.
I will be back, I'm meeting a friend and I am horribly late.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Number 6

It is that time of the day. When I bring you a little surprise, from the marvellous attic, while Mr Sandman is running down the stairs . Hey, I am not as soporific as he is. I don't bring you a dream, I'll bring you ... ENLIGHTENMENT! And, if I see him ( I might since we've been working the same shift.), I will invite him over for a port. And I will show him this drawing.
Dodo. Does my Dodo look cosy? Yes, M'am.He surely does. We can sleep on his face and drill on it because it looks soooo comfy.
Did I mention that I take my art seriously? And by asking this question, does it look like  I am not credible?

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Number 5

Miaouw miaouw? Miaouuw! Miaouw, miaouw and miaouw. Miauw miauw? M*** and m***!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Number 4

Okay! What do we have today on the special board? A sexy Praying Mantis.Swell! Fascinating insect. The female often gets hungry during the intercourse, so she hates the unlucky one, while in action. Some clever lad, to avoid the misconduct, had the idea to bring her food to keep her occupy .To not miss : Poisonous Spider versus Praying Mantis. This blog is very educational.
Did I mention that I intend to post a drawing a day?

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Number 3

I have to admit, I had a laugh doing that one.
There is mouvement is this drawing, actually. It's like someone  is calling her " Who's been a good girl?", and she seems to reply "Excuse me? Me, of course!". There is a lot of "chic decadence" in this one.

Those drawings are not a pale derogative satire about some individuals. It's a perception, a point of view of over consumption and accessibility of images and informations. Informations are deliver fast in a vast environment, such as Internet . Choices are invading and overpopulate the informative field, like abundant regurgitation. With the vast options of choices, it's getting harder to define the quality, the quantity of informations, resulting in the generality to gulp down informations and indulging themselves with a lack of exigence. If there is less exigence, less
peculiarity in the way we chose, then how can we define ourself in a society who will always evolve? Are we on the verge of becoming passive-observer?

Monday, 8 October 2012

Number 2

When I look at shows like this, I think there is a vulgarisation and a saturation of the general information. We are getting fed with mediocrity and idiocy, on an intense and regular basic: we are feasting. But those shows are entitle to exist, and conform to the freedom of speech as much as it is possible to distort images who have been already distort by their own perception.

Number One

Well, here we are! We start with this trio, all tangled together in an infernal Mangle-Twiggle fleshy burst. And they look like they are enjoying it.