Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Number 3

I have to admit, I had a laugh doing that one.
There is mouvement is this drawing, actually. It's like someone  is calling her " Who's been a good girl?", and she seems to reply "Excuse me? Me, of course!". There is a lot of "chic decadence" in this one.

Those drawings are not a pale derogative satire about some individuals. It's a perception, a point of view of over consumption and accessibility of images and informations. Informations are deliver fast in a vast environment, such as Internet . Choices are invading and overpopulate the informative field, like abundant regurgitation. With the vast options of choices, it's getting harder to define the quality, the quantity of informations, resulting in the generality to gulp down informations and indulging themselves with a lack of exigence. If there is less exigence, less
peculiarity in the way we chose, then how can we define ourself in a society who will always evolve? Are we on the verge of becoming passive-observer?

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